Hello all,
Once again apologies are in order for having not posted anything in a while. I've been proper busy with work and haven't had much time off. Although, on second thoughts, I'm not really sorry at all. You don't pay to read this, I don't owe it to you: this is a self-imposed obligation and as a result you idiots will be happy if and when I decided to post something.
Anyways, not a whole lot to report. I've not seen 'Downsy' in ages. I think he might have died. 'Winky', the girl in the gym who may or may not have winked at me, is also MIA. This is all very upsetting.
On the up side, I've switched my job role at work, and so will now be working in the Kitchen. However, going from Assistant Manager to Chef is technically a hefty demotion, although it is a good thing for a few reasons. 1) My boss is now the Head Chef, not the General Manager. Head Chef = actual friend of mine. General Manager = possibly the biggest prick on Earth. Last week his own sister told me, very sincerely, that she hates him so much that she really wouldn't mind if he died (incidentally, his sister is the Head Chef). 2) I'm not taking a pay cut. 3) Most importantly of all, I won't have to work with members of the public any more.
In other news, the evidence pointing to the fact that I'm actually the second coming is really piling up. On Tuesday I had soup, and was truly blessed when I looked down and looking back at me was an image of the Virgin Mary. Judge for yourself; picture below.
Apparitions of the Virgin Mary, a genuinely flawless character, saintly disposition, looks properly good in robes... As soon as me hair is all nice and long, there will be little doubt that I'm actually the new Jesus.
Seeing as I've precious little to talk about I don't think I'll do a Jolly Vlog any time soon; by popular demand I'll carry on with 'Drawings 'n' that', and I have a couple of days off next week and I will (yes, I WILL) do Jolly Jrinking II.
Later, dickheads!
If we did have to pay for this blog, what sort of member benefits could we expect to see?