Monday, 14 March 2011

Jolly Blog 3 - *Insert life-related displeasure*

Hello all,

Firstly, apologies are in order for not having posted anything in a while.  Over the last week or so I've been moving back into my room at the pub and getting ready to go back to work; as a result I've had precious little time on my hands.  Moreover, for the majority of last week I had no Internet connection, making posting a video an impossibility even if I had time to make one.

I genuinely thought that I'd struggle without the W.W.W. (if only by making another W that much less fun).  Truth be told I didn't really miss it at all.  It ended up being a lot like going out somewhere and forgetting to take my phone.  A lot of people would panic, but I don't need to have my phone with me to know that no one is trying to get hold of me - similarly, I don't need the Internet to know that I'm not getting e-mailed or to know that nothing is continuing to happen on Facebook.  Having said that, being cut off from the Internet left me horribly ill-informed: that Japanese Tsunami thing completely passed me by, and I was made to look like a ridiculous nancy when I didn't even know the outcomes of the week's sporting events, let alone the actual scores.

In other news, the refurbishment of my pub is going as expected.  When we closed we were told we'd be reopening in eight weeks.  I asked if the builders were British.  I was told "yes."  I responded, that if that was the case, then we won't be reopening in eight weeks.  This happened ten weeks ago: we're still not open.  Moreover, as with most of these kind of refurbishments, the plans were drawn up by people that work in an office and I now have to figure out ways to work around the endless list of problems they've created.  The guy who we hired to write all our signs has dyslexia (yes, this dyslexic's chosen career was to spend all day every day making permanent and official signage).  A load of new staff have been hired (without my input), and as a result we have employed a load of people who would struggle to win an argument with a Dolphin.  My boss (still) can't stand me and we spend most of our time having passive-aggressive arguments, he spends the rest of his time telling me that he doesn't like my hair, and to top it off, he can't stand his wife so he spends all his time at work.  His work is my work.  My work is also my house.  The prick is always here.  Safe in the knowledge that there is absolutely nothing I can do to make this situation better,  I've spent my time back here fizzing in silent rage... my money is on heart-attack, although homicidal rampage is also looking like a real contender.

I made an attempt to film Jolly Jrinking II this week.  I don't want to give too much away about its content, so I'll just tell you that I didn't manage to finish it but I will do soon enough.

Today my car's odometer rolled over to 60,000 miles.  In retrospect, to label this event as mundane would have been an exaggeration.  I, on the other hand, got so excited by the prospect of reaching 60k, that I kept a camera in my glove-box so that I could commit the whole affair to film.  I'm sure you're all eagerly awaiting the footage

Later, benders!


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