Friday, 11 February 2011

Jolly Blog 1 - Ruined! It's all ruined!

Those of you who watched the first Jolly Vlog will have seen that I set myself a challenge to not speak for 48 hours.  No words were to flow from my mouth for two days.  Twenty-four hours in and all was going well.  Up till then I had only said two words, both of them "murder".  An odd choice of word you might think, but I'll contextualise them in my next video - it's not as strange as it might sound.

Anyway, I was sat doing nothing, minding my own business in my living room when one of the people I live with strolled through the door.  One of the two polish guys that I live with, both of whom are supposed to be in Poland, came home.  He's been in Poland for the best part of a month and I was under the impression he'd be there for another month.  Now I'm annoyed for two reasons.

1) I was forced to speak, thus ruining my challenge. Luckily, the bulk of our first, and so far only, conversation was him telling me that he was going away again on Saturday.  At least I made it 24 hours.

2) George Washington said, "It is better to be alone than in bad company."  It may have sounded like I was complaining when I was talking about living by myself, but it ain't half tiring to talk to the Polish guys that I live with.  Their English isn't great (about as good as my French) and you come out the end of every conversation wondering exactly what they've been trying to tell you.  But more than speaking poor English as a reason for my displeasure, I like living by myself!  The bathroom is only ever occupied when I'm occupying it.  The kitchen is alway clean except for my mess.  Today I was happily wandering around semi-nude (never, ever nude! Sometimes I think I might be in my own version of the Truman Show and it upsets me that millions could potentially be watching me parade around naked) and now I'm going to have to wear clothes like a vain idiot.

Annoyed!  So annoyed!

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